The mission of the Med/Psych Services Group is to provide medical support for physical health issues, psychiatric health issues, MAT medication services, and medical support and monitoring for pregnant/postpartum women and their infants. Med/Psych service activities are designed to assist in improving the functioning, or to prevent further deterioration of persons with physical health, mental health and/or substance abuse problems.

Medical Support Services : Individuals presenting themselves for substance abuse treatment, do so with a wide variety of physical health needs, some of which are acute needs. The Med/Psych Medical support component is designed to assess, triage, treat, refer, link, support and monitor individuals who have serious physical health needs and are enrolled in our various substance abuse treatment components. Substance abuse recovery involves several domains including physical health, mental health, spiritual health and social health. The Med/Psych unit is made up of a multi-disciplinary care team which includes physicians, nurses and case managers.

Treatment with a Medication Component: Through our new COR-12 evidenced based treatment component, our protocol for treating individuals with Opioid Use disorders and/or Alcohol use disorders includes the standardized use of medication. Any individual with an Opioid or Alcohol use disorder will automatically receive the benefits of medication as a part of our standard treatment protocol across all our programs. Our Med/Psych Unit administers and manages medication protocols by working together as a unified team with our care coordination unit.

Psychiatric Support Services: Individuals presenting themselves for substance abuse treatment, do so with a wide variety of mental health needs, some of which are acute needs. The Med/Psych Psychiatric support component is designed to assess, triage, treat, refer, link, support and monitor individuals who have mental health needs and are enrolled in our various substance abuse treatment components. Substance abuse recovery involves several domains including physical health, mental health, spiritual health and social health. The Med/Psych unit is made up of a multi-disciplinary care team which includes a psychiatrist, nurses and case managers.

HIV Support Services: Individuals presenting themselves for substance abuse treatment, do so with either presenting HIV/AIDS needs or present at risk of contracting this disease. HIV Support Services provides a wide variety of HIV Services including Risk Assessments, Pre-test counseling, Testing, Post-test counseling, Risk Reduction Planning, HIV Education Groups, HIV Case Management and other HIV services.

LAB Services: Individuals presenting themselves for substance abuse treatment require an array of lab services consistent with their presenting needs. Lab testing is extremely important for the need of identification, treatment, treatment monitoring, etc. Lab Services provides crucial testing including drug screening, pregnancy testing, Blood testing, STD Testing, etc.